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Eurobees » Beekeeping » Bee health
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Which method or drugs do you use to fight varoa?

We used to have kumafos based, but now we are moving to more natural ways and drugs - oxalic acid (i hope my translation is ok!)
and some other.
Beekeeper from Slovenia
I use oxalic acid. I heat it to steam. This is a very effective. I built steam aggregate myself - but unfortunately i have not pictures right now (i will make photos soon). This aggregate cost almost nothing - couple pipes and old mattress pump.
I did last varroa control 22.10.2011 with this machine Smile

Results was not bad. Only in one colony had too many varroa.
isle of wight
Here we have started using Formic Acid strips. It is very good from what I can tell. Cost a lot but I'm going to make my own treatments which will be very cheap . Can be used with honey supers on also.

Have a look here> http://www.apinovar.com/articles/flash.en.html
admin wrote:

I use oxalic acid. I heat it to steam. This is a very effective. I built steam aggregate myself - but unfortunately i have not pictures right now (i will make photos soon). This aggregate cost almost nothing - couple pipes and old mattress pump.

Be careful with oxalic acid steam becouse it is dangerous for beekeper (take calcium from dody)
Nice day
I'm am careful. I use gas mask and always watching the wind direction before treatment.
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